Profile Group’s mission, as a recruitment expert, helping you get chosen. Whether you are looking for a new job or looking for talents, our experts help you to be visible, stand out and achieve your goal. 🧩
Looking for a new professional challenge? 🔎
With an average of 110 active job offers at any time of the year, Profile Group offers you various online job offers. Thanks to long term partnerships, we offer you positions of responsibility in careful companies and where the candidate’s respect is put in the spotlight.
In addition, you can send your application at any time in order to join our database and be notified of our next jobs.
Looking for the perfect talent? 🔎
Profile Group offers 30 years of expertise, an agile approach thanks to its comprehensive toolbox to help you attract more candidates and get chosen.
In addition to our expertise in Employee Value Proposition, recruitment, hunting and talents’ assessment, we also offer an exclusive recruitment marketing solution (Talent Boost), a recruitment software (Talent finder) but also experts to coach or outsource your HR team (RPO) as well as manage and recruit your on-site freelance consultants (MSP).
📍 Our company has 3 offices: Antwerp, Liège and Brussels.