The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives (“A.M.M.A.”) exists to facilitate storage and interpretation of the collection of artifacts related to the history of the town of Aylmer and Township of Malahide. Its primary purpose is the care, maintenance, and development of the collection as it applies to that history. Its strong, secondary purpose is to provide education and information about Aylmer and Malahide to the general public and specific interest groups.
• To provide conservation and safe storage for the evolving collection
• To provide information, community outreach, and education related to the collection and the history of Aylmer and Malahide
• To develop changing exhibits and programs based on the collection and local history
• In partnership, support other events and groups in the community when they are related to our mandate
• Encourage local employment and educational experience by participating in various programs related to student grants, job creation, training, etc., offered by all levels of government
• Find ways to raise funding toward self-sufficient operations