GP Health Partners Ltd (GPHP) is a company owned by 19 GP practices in the Epsom locality. GPHP was established to provide patient-centred, prevention-focused, integrated, consistent and innovative health services which deliver best value for the Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group and its patients.
Being part of GPHP Ltd means practices can provide a fuller range of services with greater efficiency to improve patient care in the community whilst developing a longer term strategy for health care provision across their local communities.
By working collectively, rather than as single entities, we can collaborate more effectively for the patient and the NHS at large.
Extended Access GP Appointments
We understand that some patients find it difficult to see a GP during normal practice hours because of work commitments, school or other circumstances.
The Extended Access Service has been developed to offer patients more accessibility to GPs outside normal working hours. Provided by GPHP, this service consists of a network of nineteen local General Practices in the Epsom area.
GP Health Partners Community Based Cardiology Clinic
GP Health Partner’s Community Cardiology Diagnostic Service provides membership practices with both the equipment and the support necessary to undertake ECGs and Ambulatory ECGs closer to the patient rather than via referral to secondary care. In addition, we offer echocardiograms via GP referral in either the centre of Epsom at the Derby Medical Centre, or Leatherhead Community Hospital. These clinics enable patients to be seen in the community, often with improved wait times for diagnostics. The service is overseen by GPHP’s Registered Manager – Dr Hilary Floyd. Dr Floyd will have responsibility for overseeing the clinical governance of the community based cardiology diagnostic service