Magnify Learning is a teacher-driven provider of Project Based Learning professional development workshop. Through Project Based Learning, students acquire real world skills and find purpose, educators create inspiring classrooms with authentic learning experiences, and school leaders fulfill their vision for academic growth and a thriving school community.
Magnify Learning provides Project Based Learning professional development workshops that teach and model the PBL framework, and enable educators to create authentic learning experiences through the design and implementation of PBL.
Authentic learning experiences help students master content, acquire employability skills, and discover they have value and purpose inside and outside the classroom.
Every student, teacher, and school leader deserves to be part of an inspiring educational story! By implementing the PBL framework, you can create authentic learning experiences where students discover their purpose and value and educators are empowered to live their "why."
We offer customized Project Based Learning Workshops for schools, districts, and afterschool programs. Our emphasis is on building relational culture and authenticity. We don’t just talk about transforming education through Project Based Learning -- we are actively engaged in facilitating and implementing PBL in schools across the United States!