La cave à laine is a long time dream come true!
Let me introduce myself: my name is Sara Maternini, long time blogger, from food to tech, to knitting.
My grandma taught me to knit, but just to knit, when I was around 6 years old. I made many knitted squares for a throw my mother got rid off a few years ago. Then I stopped.
During my first pregnancy I was speaking with a dear friends of mine, complaining about the awful sleepless night I was having. She had them too, so she told what she was doing during that sleepless night so frequent during pregnancy: knitting!
Well, I could knit!
It was 2009. One evening I sat myself down with needles and yarn and the Internet on my side. I learned to cast on, purl, cast off...
And I began to sleep again!
Knitting was (IS) soothing, calming and rewarding.
Knitting is ancient art, a survival skill, a life choice.
Yarn is the center of knitting.
The better, the more natural, the more luxurious it is, the more I enjoy knitting it, and the more the knit is enjoyable!
All La Cave à Laine accessories are hand made with luxury yarns (and fabrics).
I choose very carefully our materials and I work respecting them to deliver you the best product possible.
The yarns I use are 100% made of natural fibers, and whereas possible they are made by French woolen mills that works with animal bred and sheared in France.
The fabrics I use are 100% made of cotton, as well as the thread used to sew them.
I love knitting and sewing and I hope to bring you love and happiness with my range of accessories.