Sandy Goodwin
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Work Experience
Mar 2014 - Present · 10 years and 9 months
Ceo & Co-Founder
Jul 2016 - Present · 8 years and 5 months
Vp, Consulting & Technology / Co-Founder
Mar 2014 - Jun 2016 · 2 years and 3 months
Demand Driven Institute
Endorsed Demand Driven Planner (Ddp) Instructor
Feb 2018 - Dec 2020 · 2 years and 10 months
Company Details
High Impact Coaching & Strategies promotes Demand Driven strategies across the global manufacturing facilities and supply chains of our customers. With over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and supply chain improvements, we enable our global client base to meet ever-changing customer expectations for product availability and order lead-time, transforming performance and reducing operational costs. As Demand Driven industry experts, we integrate Demand Driven Flow Technology (DDFT) with Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) to provide our customers with responsive, agile factories and supply chains. We provide the strategic, tactical and operational solutions for any manufacturing and supply chain company to become Demand Driven and operate in today’s complexity and volatility. DDFT is a manufacturing strategy that creates synchronized flow of product, significantly reducing manufacturing lead times and work-in-process, improving productivity and operational costs. DDMRP is a supply chain strategy that creates flow of materials reducing inventory and lead times through the supply chain network while improving customer service levels. Our track record is proof of the difference we make with average improvements delivering 41% in working capital, 9% in customer service levels and 8% in Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). Our clients continue to give us glowing recommendations on the improvements they have captured and how accepting our consulting services team are at embedding the improvements into their culture, getting the employees and management engaged versus simply just bought in. Our total commitment to our clients and our flexible approach has successfully delivered a wide range of improvement projects ensuring we position our clients at the forefront of their industry. With our solutions in place, our clients can stay ahead of the competition providing superior service while maintaining significant bottom-line benefits. UK Tel: +44 7832 270 381 US Tel: +1 888 841 862
Year Founded
Social Media
Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
Not Listed Ashby de la Zouch, Leics LE651SP, GB
Demand Driven Supply Chain ManagementDemand Driven MRP (DDMRP)Demand Driven SoftwareSupplier IntegratioDemand Driven ProcurementDemand Flow Technology (DFT) Factory TransformatioTrainingTeam Development/Work CultureCoachingDemand Driven Operating Model
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