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About Sandra Campos
Sandra Campos is Project Manager at Riverside Group nl in rotterdam, zuid-holland, netherlands. Previously worked at Pacific Credit Rating as Commercial Chief. Riverside Group nl is a Insurance company in Buitenveldertselaan 106
Amsterdam, 1081AB, NL with 10 employees
Riverside helps insurance companies unlock hidden value in existing customer bases.
Riverside programmes typically deliver new sales from 10%-20% of the customers targeted PLUS improved retention. Lapse rates on existing policies reduce by 12%-30% across all customers included. This all adds up to a potentially massive addition in value from the existing customer base.
We achieve these results by creating and implementing communication programmes that make fully personalised policy upgrade and cross-sell offers to highly targeted groups of existing customers.
Our success is based on the experience of working with more than 130 insurers in 39 countries since 2005 – analysing over 40 million unique customer records.
In today’s “always on” digital world, customers increasingly expect relevant information and interaction from all their providers. Research shows that our communications significantly improve customers’ perception of the company – whether or not they take up the additional policy offer.
Intermediaries also support and welcome Riverside communications to their customers, because they deliver additional income plus new sales leads and wider business opportunities.
What’s more, we always share in the costs of every programme we develop - so we can only be successful if you are successful too.