DDMA is de grootste branchevereniging voor marketing en data. Wij zijn een netwerk van ruim 360 merken, non-profits, uitgevers, bureaus en tech-leveranciers die data succesvol en verantwoord willen inzetten voor marketingdoeleinden. Wij duiden ontwikkelingen op het gebied van technologie, regelgeving en ethiek en brengen marketeers, dataspecialisten en juristen bij elkaar om hen te helpen groeien in hun vak. Ook bevorderen we zelfregulering en zijn we gesprekspartner van beleidsmakers en toezichthouders.
Lees hier ons Privacy Statement, waarin staat hoe DDMA met persoonsgegevens omgaat: https://ddma.nl/privacy-statement/
The Data Driven Marketing Association (DDMA) is the trade organisation for data and marketing for the data driven marketing industry in the Netherlands. This is one of the fast growing sectors of industry in Western Europe.
DDMA represents the interests of users, service providers and media/carriers both in the Netherlands and at a European level. The organisation also acts as a communication and knowledge platform for professionals working in data driven marketing.
The DDMA represents the political interests of her members in both national and international alliances. DDMA strongly believes in the active self-regulation of the industry. The DDMA is constantly developing, maintaining and monitoring self regulatory codes for communication channels such as social media, e-mail, privacy, field marketing and listbroking. These codes are designed to help protect both industry and consumers.
DDMA is the initiator of the Privacy Seal. A quality label ensuring a correct use of personal data for data drive marketing purposes. The Privacy Seal is exclusively worn by members of the Data Driven Marketing Association (DDMA). DDMA-members have committed themselves to standards of ethical conduct and best practice laid down in Codes of Conduct.