West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited (WAPCo) is a limited liability company that owns and operates the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP). WAPCo is an international Company transporting Natural Gas from sources in Nigeria and Ghana to customers in Benin, Togo, and Ghana in a safe, responsible and reliable manner to create value for our diverse stakeholders. We place the highest priority on the health and safety of people and protection of our assets and the environment. We operate an Open Access system for the use of our pipeline to multiple shippers. We promote the WAGP system as a key natural gas transmission infrastructure for all-natural gas sources including Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
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Oil and Gas, Natural Gas Distribution, Utilities
HQ Location
Nii Nortei Nyanchi Street, West Airport
P.O. Box OS458
Accra, Home GA-156-7286, GH
Gas TransportationOil & GasEnergyand Petroleumnatural gastransportation servicesgas transportation servicesworkforce hourspromote developmentcommunity youth enterprise