eiTRA – eInfochips Training & Research Academy [www.eitra.org] , a non –profit organisation , is a professional mentoring platform for enthusiastic and passionate young engineers and pool of technical talent aiming to build highly successful career in field of Embedded, VLSI, Hardware board designing and Programming.
It follows the ethos of “Making an Individual self-reliant” and providing “Industry Ready Engineers” to technical world. It believes that this is best achieved by learning directly from most experienced and influential experts from array of backgrounds, and therefore endeavors to provide a common platform for them to deliver their practical expertise and share their useful research insight with eiTRA’s budding technical talent.
Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
2nd Floor, CIASIS Building, Umiya Mata Campus
Near Sola Bhagvat Chowkdi, Ahead of Gujarat High Court,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN
VLSI - Physical DesignVLSI - VerificationFPGA DesignHardware Board DesigningEmbedded Systems - Network ProgrammingDevice DriverAndroid Programming with Board PortingAdvanced Java ProgrammingTesting and Quality Assuranceand Matlab