Located in the heart of Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia, the Specialized Medical Center Hospital with its towers and its 2 campuses on King Fahad Road and King Abdullah Road has become one of the modern landmarks in the Kingdom since its inception in 1999.
Specialized Medical Center Hospitals consisting of over 500 inpatient beds and over 250 outpatient clinics in 2 branches served by a dedicated and highly qualified national & international team of over 400 physicians and 3,000 paramedical and support staff.
You can find more about us on www.smc.com.sa , SMCH_Riyadh (X & Instagram) , SMCHRiyadh (Instagram & Youtube)
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
King Fahad Road, Cairo Square
Riyadh, 11586, SA
All medical & surgical specialties and subspecialtiesAll diagnostic services & sectionsObstetrics & Gynecology & IVFSpecial Areas (Obesity CenterLithotripsyEmergencyIntensive Care etc...)and Special Areas (Obesity Center