In December 2021, secureitsource was acquired by iC Consult. Visit our website:
We deliver identity that simplifies the complexities of identity, and maximizes the return on your investment. We deliver identity that leverages the right solutions, and allows you to eliminate the wrong ones. We deliver identity that serves your business, your customers, and suppliers. We deliver expertise, transparency, and best practices that continue to earn the trust of so many businesses. Most of all, we deliver an approach and ideology that’s hyper-focused on the business of identity—not just the technology. We put all that we are into IDENTITY because IDENTITY is all that we deliver.
In January 2022, SecureITsource was acquired by iC Consult Group. The combination of three world-class IAM companies (including ICSynergy) allows us to offer our Identity clients a wide range of new services and efficient 24/7 support across all time zones, paving the way for full-scale international projects on both sides of the Atlantic. Now the largest IAM Consultancy and Professional Services firm in the world, SecureITsource & iC Consult can deliver your Global IAM Program from inception to deployment, including long-term managed services. Visit for more information about our extended service portfolio, which includes IDaaS offerings and Managed Services for IAM. And follow iC Consult on LinkedIn: