Calibre Audio provides audiobooks to those with a print disability.
A print disability is a difficulty or inability to read printed material where someone is unable to see, read, manipulate or comprehend the text.
Our digital library service includes:
• Unlimited borrowing of over 17,000 unabridged audiobooks
• New books added each week
• Over 3,000 audiobooks specifically for children and young people
• Calibre has the rights to record audiobooks that are not commercially available
• Available on streaming, download and memory stick
• Free postage and no fines for late or lost audiobooks
• Manage your account online or by phone
• Regular podcasts, newsletters and reading suggestions
• A friendly, personal, quick service
Libraries, Leisure, culture and entertainment, Leisure & Tourism, Charitable organisations and associations, Social care, personal services, Education, Training & Organisations
HQ Location
New Road
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22 5XQ, GB
Low VisioDyslexiBliTalking BooksSight LossChronic IllnessLibraryAudiobooks