Producer of all kinds of fabrics & terries, mechanical carpets, praying carpet, curtains, furnishing, ready-made garments, all kinds of raw materials & textile manufacturing machinery.
Dyeing & preparing of textile.
Producer for 3rd party according to laws & norms that used.
Storing of imported carpets & re-export it all abroad & collecting fees 1% for the value of this activity.
Coom Reg:1648 free zone
Export for 120 countries
Eastern Europe countries all Gulf Countries, Lybia & Dubai.
Subject is considered among the top, 400 local importers during 2008, & enjoy a good reputation a according to ranking of the Egyptian Customs Authority.
14.347 million square meters of weavings per year.
135752400 USD
135752400 USD
150000000 USD
5187046000 EGP
1648 10th of Ramadan
Joint Stock
Private Inv. Law