The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization championing green growth and climate resilience around the world.
In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), GGGI supports its Member and Partner States in transforming their economies into a green growth model through policies, green investments, and innovative financing mechanisms.
GGGI staff embedded in Government Ministries as trusted advisors focus on:
1. Supporting the design and providing policies, technologies, and investment solutions to support the implementation of flagship initiatives both domestically and overseas in partnership with the governments, development partners, and the private sector.
2. Providing enhanced expertise and support for the delivery of more ambitious climate actions, unlocking the potential of collaboration with other institutions in the countries, working with investors on greening the financial systems, developing robust pipelines of market-ready green bankable projects and green bonds including green sukuk, and facilitating and structuring trilateral cooperations on technologies, food security, techno-climate innovations, etc.; and
3. Designing and implementing regional and cross-border programs that respond to the needs and demands of our Member and Partner States.