Community Living Sarnia-Lambton (CLSL) is a charitable not-for-profit organization that currently annually supports about 350 children and adults who have an intellectual and/or other disability along with their caregivers, employs about 220 employees, both full-time and part-time, and has the privilege of being supported by over 100 volunteers
Our Vision:
“A community where everyone is valued and can participate.”
Our Mission:
"Community Living Sarnia-Lambton is dedicated to enriching the lives of people with an intellectual and/or other disability and their families by providing supports and services that promote individual choice and live goal achievement."
Our Values:
To fulfill our mission, we focus upon the following values to guide us:
• Courtesy, dignity, respect and consideration for all people
• Independence and opportunity for growth
• Individual Rights
• Individual Choice
• Community Inclusion
• Flexible and adaptable support services
• Accountability
• Teamwork
• Community Partnerships