Grace Eyre is one of the oldest and most innovative charities in the UK committed to supporting people with learning disabilities, autism and/or mental health issues.
We think Grace Eyre’s mission and aims are best described by people with learning disabilities and who use our services; they developed a Charter which informs every aspect of our work:
'We want to ‘live our lives in the way we want to, getting good support from kind and friendly people’.
We want to Be Listened to
We want to be part of Our Community
We want to have Strong and Supported Relationships
We want Good Housing
We want Jobs
We want to Travel Around
We want to Try New Things
We want to Be Healthy
In response, Grace Eyre delivers a suite of flexible, person-centred services so that people can gain the skills, knowledge and independence to achieve their dreams. These include:
Choices - community-outreach, to support people living on their own or in shared accommodation;
Shared Lives - supported-living, through family carers (people with learning disabilities live in their carer’s home); and
Active Lives - a dynamic programme of over 90 different activities every week from our base in Brighton & Hove, such as creative arts, sports, healthy-living & leisure, and learning & employment skills.
Housing - gives people with learning disabilities in Brighton & Hove choices and options about where and how they wish to live in the city.