BP Batam is a region within Indonesia territory alienated from other customs zones which exempted from import duty, value-added tax, sales tax on luxurious goods and excise. The management Batam FTZ is authorized by the Central Government of Indonesia to Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam. The 415 sq-km area is located within the International shipping lane on the Malacca Strait, which excelled in electronics manufacturing, shipyard, supporting oil & gas industry, heavy equipment, and trading. Batam is equipped with modern infrastructures and facilities supported by 24 industrial estates and more than 1,000 multinational companies such as Phillips, Schneider, Panasonic, McDermott, Perkin Elmer, and others. BP Batam is also authorized for the Port management around the region comprised of 4 Cargo Ports, 5 International Passengers Ferry Terminal, 3 Domestic Ferry Terminal, more than 105 shipyards and oil and gas supporting industries. Batam provides investors and businesses compelling reasons for consideration, offering comparative geographical advantage as well as a competitive advantage.