Mercury is a next-generation, one-to-one marketing company with an expertise in Retail, CPG and Healthcare verticals. Our team consists of top talent from leading direct, loyalty and database marketing providers who have developed, led, launched and measured the most recognizable programs for the country’s top brands. Following prominent careers working with the big guys, they joined our company to bring their experience and knowledge to clients who understand the value of, and want to launch or optimize, a one-to-one marketing initiative.
We are truly next-generation because we aren’t a legacy player trying to appear new. We are a new-fashioned, 10-year-old company turning the traditional agency and database marketing company model on its head by offering our clients:
• Direct access to high-value expert resources
• Best-of-breed solutions and technology products
• A flexible and friendly engagement structure
• Performance-based compensation models
These days, many companies feel that they are not getting the most out of their marketing budget. Some tell us that they are unsure where to begin fixing it. At Mercury, we have a deep understanding of the very specific problem areas that all one-to-one marketers face. We have ideas, technologies and solutions designed to evaluate and attack obstacles quickly and improve marketing yield rapidly. And unlike most of our competitors, we don’t require agency-of-record status to work with clients. We work within your structure and partner with your resources as needed. We require just one thing of our clients—that they are serious about improving their one-to-one marketing.