Visa Mondial is a Canadian-based registered company (Registration Number: 2270238837), active in the field of student recruitment as well as immigration services.
For recruiting students, in addition to our inside-office consultants, admission officers and coordinators, we have active agents in almost most of the preferred educational destinations such as Canada, USA, Australia, Europe and some of the Asians. We also provide services for visa consultation and language learning for the clients (i.e. both students and immigrants).
Our major immigration destination is Canada at first place with presence of active agents in Quebec (Montreal) and British Colombia (Vancouver) and Australia and Denmark. Our business brand of Visa Mondial, works in cooperation with “Salamat center of international job recruiting) under the supervision of Iranian Ministry of Labor which sends workers (skilled and non-skilled) to other countries.
Our approach to customers is that of a customer-oriented one, based on mutual respect, honesty and clarity of activities and with enjoying a professional, friendly team, aims at helping the countrymen.