NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit acts as a trusted partner for commissioners and providers to support the delivery of efficient and effective healthcare services.
We provide real value to our customers by working at scale, creating the synergies and innovation that ultimately drives improved patient outcomes and makes commissioning resources work harder.
We support over 70 customers spanning the entire health and care system including: NHS England (Regions and National Programmes), Integrated Care Systems (ICS), Integrated Care Boards (ICB), Trusts, Primary Care Networks (PCN) and Local Authorities.
With over 1000 employees we deliver expertise including:
• Business intelligence, data, analytics and PHM
• IT and digital
• Workforce, HR, OD and resourcing
• Procurement
• Clinical services (inc. Medicines optimisation)
• Engagement, communications and marketing
• Finance and financial modelling
• Service transformation
We have the NHS experience, skills, expertise and deep understanding of local and national priorities required to design and implement practical solutions for your organisation.