Founded by Gilberto Caleffi, "Stradi Vari" was a creative design and digital agency offering consultancy services to private companies: On site management (marketing and social media), Corporate and brand identity (logo, literature, editorial, advertising), Web design and promotion, International trade fair service management.
The agency closed down end of 2013 when Gilberto moved to Barbados.
Client portfolio: LaPresse / Ferrari, Glem Gas, LG Hausys, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Vecchia Malga di Famiglia Chiari, Univergom, Moidecar, Gruppo Net, Ocean51, Invernizzi Group, Candalu.
STRADI VARI is an indipendent agency which thinks sharply, builds solid relationships, delivers creative solutions to seduce and satisfy the emotional appetite in people.
STRADI VARI integrates rewarding multichannel strategies with remarkable results based on its deep knowledge of corporate branding, media communication and consumer world.
STRADI VARI offers an excellent combination of distinctive design and technical expertise bringing smart ideas to life, unconventionally.