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About Ross Lustman
Ross Lustman is Tax Accountant at Greenback Expat Tax Services in costa rica. Previously worked at Greenback Expat Tax Services as Tax Accountant. Greenback Expat Tax Services is a Accounting company in 2885 Sanford Ave SW
Grandville, Michigan 49418, US with 36 employees
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Ross Lustman is the Tax Accountant @Greenback Expat Tax Services, with experience in Tax Staff Accountant @u.s tax and accounting services
Greenback makes life better for Americans living abroad and aims to take away the anxiety and hassle of helping US expats become and stay compliant with their US taxes while overseas.
Why more Americans trust Greenback with their US expat taxes:
Expertise. You work one-on-one with an expert CPA or IRS Enrolled Agent. Our team works with expats 100% of the time and is highly specialized in expat tax preparation.
Flat-fee pricing. With our transparent pricing, you always know what you’ll pay for the services you need—no surprise fees at the end! Experience. We have clients in 155+ countries and have prepared thousands of tax returns for US expats.
Security. We use 256-bit encryption (the same as most banks use) to ensure your private information stays private!
Simplified tax prep. We make it easy to work with us! We share documents online, communicate via email/Skype/phone and never ask you to do any of the financial calculations — that’s our job!
To learn more about Greenback or to get started on your expat tax return, visit us at
If you're interested in learning how to save money on your US expat taxes, download our free tax guide right here:
2885 Sanford Ave SW
Grandville, Michigan 49418, US
One-on-one work with expert CPA or IRS Enrolled AgentHighly specialized in expat tax preparationExperience with clients in 155+ countriesPreparation of thousands of tax returns for US expats
US Expatriate Federal Tax ReturnsUS Expatriate State Tax ReturnsFBAR (Foreign Bank Account Reporting)FATCAStreamlined Filing for Americans Living AbroUS Expatriate Small Business Tax ReturnsUK Tax Prep for AmericansCanadian Tax Prep for Americans