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About Ross Gruet
Ross Gruet is Marketing Specialist at ShopBot Tools, Inc in Durham, North Carolina, United States. Previously worked at Etix as Marketing Specialist. ShopBot Tools, Inc is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in 3333-B Industrial Drive
Durham, NC 27704, US with 37 employees
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Ross Gruet is the Marketing Specialist @ShopBot Tools, Inc, with experience in Marketing Specialist @Etix
Founded in 1996 in Durham, North Carolina, ShopBot Tools, Inc., designs, manufactures and distributes CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) routers for milling, drilling, and cutting of wood, plastic, metals and other materials — powerfully, precisely, and affordably.
Now into our third decade of technology innovation, ShopBot’s digital fabrication tools are carving out the future of manufacturing, production, prototyping, grassroots “making,” and education. Today, over 10,000 ShopBots are at work in small shops and larger production facilities across the U.S. and around the world. They are used in a range of production operations: plastic trimming, aluminum drilling, signmaking, cabinetmaking, and all types of woodworking, as well as in the production of stealth fighters and manufacturing hi-tech housing.
Powerful affordable CNC systemsCNC for STEMTech Ecareer buildingProtoyping & Manufacturing CNC systemsDigital Fab for MakersHobbyistsWoodworkersLuthiers and more.