ACENET is an Atlantic Canadian not-for-profit that provides access to digital resources - including high performance computing (HPC), big data, GPUs and storage - to researchers and industry in the region.
Our team of System Administrators and Research Consultants have advanced degrees and research backgrounds in a variety of fields, enabling them to bridge technology and research. They provide extensive expertise, support and training to clients in the use of these supercomputing tools.
We are a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, the national organization responsible for digital research infrastructure in Canada.
If your computing needs have become too computationally or data intensive for your desktop, we might be able to help. Check us out at
Memorial University
St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, CA
Advanced Research Computing ResourcesComputational Research ConsultingAdvanced Research Computing EducationHPCHIgh Performance Computingsupercomputingsupercomputing skills developmentand supercomputing trainingAdvanced Research Computing Educatiosupercomputing training