BDSIP provides a broad range of professional support services to schools and other education professionals.
We are a social enterprise, majority owned by local schools together with the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham.
Our services include:
• School improvement and curriculum support
• SEND and inclusion
• 14-19 services including careers advice, work experience and Aim Higher
• Ofsted preparation support
• A comprehensive programme of CPD encompassing school leadership, improvement, inclusion and SEND
• NQT appropriate body
• Recruitment and retention
• GDPR and data protection officer services
We also play a leading role in driving the development of school-led improvement systems for Barking & Dagenham and beyond.
We have a highly skilled and experienced team which includes former headteachers and senior school leaders, Ofsted inspectors, SEND/inclusion leaders, and curriculum experts.
Interested in finding out more? Please contact us at or find us on twitter @BDSIPEducation
We look forward to working with you.