At the Legacy Elder Law Center, founder Rory Clark, and his team, have a passion for working with clients in a way that will truly better their lives and those of their loved ones. It is the personal and professional mission of all of us at the Legacy Elder Law Center to provide seniors and their families with innovative, forward thinking, and customized legal advice, as well as experienced and compassionate guidance through the complex world of senior care and long-term care benefits.
From our managing partner on down, every member of our compassionate staff has had to personally walk the kind of journeys that our clients walk. Each one of us has learned the power of empathy in a very personal way. Whether the challenge was brought on by something as difficult as quadriplegia, cancer, dementia, or Down’s Syndrome, or something as “routine” as loss of mobility due to aging, we have walked that journey as individuals. We not only have decades of experience in the “what” that needs to be done, we achieve the best results because we know “how” to make those things happen in a world full of difficulty. Walking our personal journeys absolutely makes us better guides to our clients.
Elder law, unlike virtually every other field of law, is not focused so much on any one particular subject matter but on the needs of a particular type of client—seniors and their families. For families in crisis and families in need, we provide principled counseling and responsible advocacy. Proactively, we create estate and asset protection plans that protect seniors and their families as they transition wealth from one generation to the next.
Our clients know they need an extraordinary guide to show them how to solve these momentous problems.
Legacy Elder Law Center is that guide.