We are Canada's industrial safety service experts.
Whether it is working in a confined space, having high risk to chemical exposure or being in a flammable environment, industrial workers need protection as they complete jobs in construction, drilling & completions, manufacturing, facility & refinery maintenance, oil sands & heavy oil, offshore drilling and many other Canadian industries.
HSE Integrated is the largest provider of industrial safety services across Canada. We have 20 locations strategically placed across the Nation and provide careers to over 700 Canadians. With our fleet of equipment and our wealth of highly trained personnel, HSE Integrated offers companies expert service and specialized customer care by supplying on the ground coverage for companies needing to protect their most vulnerable workers and valuable assets.
Our services include H2S Safety, Ambulance and Medical Services, Fire Truck and Fire Fighters, Gas Detection, High Angle and Confined Space Technical Rescue, Environment Monitoring, Safety Training and more.
Oil and Gas, Management services, Services to businesses, Business Services, Business management consultants, Academic, Consultants, Design & Architecture
HQ Location
2200 645 7th Aven SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 4G8, CA
OH&S servicesSafety Consulting ServicesMedical ServicesSupplied Breathing Air and EquipmentIndustrial and Oilfield Fire ResponseAir Quality Testing and MonitoringWell Control Response and RecoverySafety Trainingand High Angle and Confined Space Rescue