Marketingovã½ A Public Relations Manaå¾Er at ForClassmates
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About Roman Straka
Roman Straka is Marketingovã½ A Public Relations Manaå¾Er at ForClassmates in hradec kralove, kralovehradecky kraj, czechia. Previously worked at ForClassmates as Marketingovã½ A Public Relations Manaå¾Er. ForClassmates is a E-learning company in Vrchlického 678/19
Hradec Králové, Královehradecký 500 02, CZ with 14 employees
Roman Straka Social
Roman Straka Work
Roman Straka is the Marketingovã½ A Public Relations Manaå¾Er @ForClassmates, with experience in Moderã Tor, Ä Len Kreativnã Ho Tã½Mu @Hitrádio Černá Hora
We are developing an online educational app that helps students aged 9 to 19 understand the science curriculum and saves teachers time. All the content is written by the students themselves, did you also understand everything better from your classmate than from the teacher?
Vyvíjíme online vzdělávací aplikaci, která pomáhá žákům ve věku 9 až 19 let porozumět přírodovědným osnovám a šetří čas učitelů. Veškerý obsah píší sami studenti. Také jste vše pochopili lépe od spolužáka než od učitele?
cartmaster, zenon, video production, social media, microsoft office, sony vegas, after effects, marketing strategy, project management, public relations, brand strategy, digital marketing, public speaking, copywriting
Roman Straka Email & Phone number
These email and Phone numbers are the most updated and verified contact information for Roman Straka found in 2025.