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About Rodrigo Passos
Rodrigo Passos has 2 current jobs including Executive Director at FCR Oil in porto, porto, portugal, Director at GoGlobal Consulting. Previously worked at Almeida Conde Consultores as Business Development Manager. FCR Oil is a Oil and Gas company in Av. Marginal nº 4115, 1º
Sala 6
Maputo, Cidade de Maputo Maputo, MZ with 9 employees
FCR Oil assumes itself as strategic partner of the energy and extractive industries
Nynas Official Distributor in Mozambique
Naphthenic Transformer Oils specialists
Lubricants and Greases specialists
With the widest product range, a National supply network and an extensive service and knowledge offering, we’re sure to have the solution you’re looking for.
FCR Oil caters to the needs of the construction, mining, transportation, and earthmoving industries in Mozambique.
We sell original parts and replacements of the most important brands, with very competitive prices and short delivery periods