Rabbit Laser USA consists of Hobbyists and Engineers that have built it into a solid business. We are dedicated to providing laser systems and software for hobbyists and professionals. We know that it takes the proper tools for growing your business or expanding your hobby.
Rabbit Laser USA can help to solve your laser engraving needs and stay within a reasonable budget. Our company provides customers with high quality imported laser machines without the problems of dealing directly with a foreign factory. We offer prices that hobbyists and small businesses can afford.
At Rabbit Laser USA, we understand that each customer may have unique needs for a laser engraving machine. We specialize in offering a range of CO2 laser machines with power from 40 watts to 80 watts. From engraving wood or plastic to etching metal, we don't just have what you need, we have the experience to make sure you get what you need and know how to use it.