Cutting Edge Research for Transforming Agriculture with Regenerative Principles.
Society’s advance is contingent upon transformational changes in our food production system. Currently, the farmers and ranchers are leading the innovation of food production systems, ahead of the researchers.Science is necessary to make regenerative food systems a reality, but we need to rethink how we apply science in order to get there. Producers require independent, practical scientific support to ensure that concepts, practices, and systems are scalable and transferable to other operations and regions.
Our Vision:
We can grow food and conserve biodiversity and environmental health. Agriculture can be used to solve many of the world’s problems, and Ecdysis Foundation provides the Research and Development that can make innovative practices scalable and transferable to as many operations as possible. We anticipate a paradigm shift in the way food is produced in this country, and we want to have answers ready for farmers when they are ready to farm in nature’s image. Our South Dakota location is just the beginning. After we establish ourselves with a manageable set of questions/projects, we will diversify our scientific expertise to best accomplish the multi-disciplinary nature of the science we are proposing. Our vision is to then take the Ecdysis model nationally, establishing a network of facilities around the country that can address local and regional circumstances.