Swim Chicago Southland is a family owned and operated business, located in the Chicagoland area, we have a passion for partnering with local communities, schools, and associations to operate safe facilities and fun aquatics programs all focused around drowning prevention.
Swim lesson, Lifeguards, Aquafit, H2Whoa! Pool parties and Adventure water activities -- we provide Total Aquatic Management and Total Aquatic Programming covering every aspect of aquatic facility operations. At Swim Chicago Southland, we provide a multi-level team approach that has the knowledge and expertise to develop, and design a plan, plus the personnel and equipment to implement the design, so that pools can stand on their own financially.
We work with every client on an individual basis, providing friendly, personalized service at all times. We are committed to providing quality aquatic programs and services to the community and believe that a reputation as a progressive, accommodating company, focused on the individual swimmer is the recipe for success.