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About Robert Snodgrass
Robert Snodgrass has 3 current jobs including President at AquaFinesse, LLC in Greater Indianapolis, Owner at SEG Productions, Managing Partner at Slamolgy Car and Truck Show. AquaFinesse, LLC is a Chemical Manufacturing company in 3226 Taylorsville Hwy.
Statesville, NC 28625, US with 2 employees
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Robert Snodgrass Work
Robert Snodgrass is the President @AquaFinesse, LLC, with experience in Owner @SEG Productions
AquaFinesse, LLC is the North American subsidiary of parent company, Special Water Europe B.V., which is based in The Netherlands. Special Water Europe B.V. and AquaFinesse, LLC specialize in the field of environmentally-friendly water treatment in various industries, including pool and spa, wastewater treatment, cooling towers, and more.
After seven years of extensive research studying the behavior of bacteria in aquatic environments, the groundbreaking AquaFinesse water treatment technology was developed and is the foundation for the AquaFinesse product line. This patented, environmentally-safe technology continues to achieve scientifically-proven, outstanding results that outperform traditional sanitizer water treatment methods today. AquaFinesse products are sold globally in more than 46 countries.