Supplying a unique range of services that fulfil a critical part of the modern mineral and industrial manufacturing process with resultant stakeholder demands and responsibilities, Zambia Residue Experts Ltd, trading as Zamrex, is adequately positioned to provide a range of solutions to all tailings disposal and storage requirements. With international capability, Zamrex can become a crucial component to the tailings management team of most mining and processing corporates. Zamrex provides sustainable, cost effective, and responsible solutions that reflect and adhere to corporate tailings management responsibilities and standards. By remaining independent of key role players (such as designers, operators, and contractors) Zamrex offers unique "client based" solutions that will save time, money and reduce risk. Led by the dynamic trio of Denzyl Pearse, Gary Wills, and Holy Pola, who all possess numerous years of experience in the tailings management field, Zamrex will ultimately form an indispensable part of the management team of any organisation with tailings disposal needs.