The Fair Standards Alliance is a not for profit association whose goal is to promote globally, but primarily in the European Union and its Member States, a number of key principles concerning the licensing of standards-essential patents (SEPs) that are subject to a voluntary commitment to provide licenses on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
Members of the Fair Standards Alliance include Airties, Apple, BMW Mini, Bullitt Group, Bury, Cisco, Continental, Crosscall, Daimler, Dell, Denso, Emporia, Fairphone, Ford, Freebox, Google, Gramm Lins, Harman, Honda, HP, Hyundai, Intel, ip.access, Juniper Networks, Laird, Lenovo, Microsoft, Nordic Semi, peiker, RHA, Sagemcom, Sequans, Sierra Wireless, Sky, T-Mobile, Telit, Tesla, Toyota, u-blox, Valeo, Volkswagen and Wiko Mobile.