DAB (Dansk Almennyttigt Boligselskab/Danish Nonprofit Housing association) is one of the largest nonprofit housing associations in Denmark.
DAB was founded in 1942 and today we manage approximately 48.000 dwellings in 48 local housing associations and 18 local municipalities. DAB has contributed to the construction of about 60.000 new homes over the years, many of which DAB still manages.
The most valuable assets of the non-profit housing sector are the properties and the surrounding land owned by them. A large part of the operating economy of a housing association is linked to property maintenance.
DAB has a long history of professional property inspection under its own auspices, and in 2004, DAB received 'Driftsherrprisen' (a facilities management award) from Boligfonden Kuben ('The Housing Fund Kuben') and the Danish Faciities Management network.
Tenant democracy has always been important to DAB. It is a fact that the present form of tenant democracy to a great extent has been shaped and developed by active tenant democrats in DAB-managed housing associations.