Rob Davis
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Work Experience
Head Of Mmo Secretariat
Company Details
What we do We license, regulate and plan marine activities in the seas around England so that they're carried out in a sustainable way. This helps the government achieve its vision for clean, healthy, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas. We’re responsible for: • managing and monitoring fishing fleet sizes and quotas for catches • ensuring compliance with fisheries regulations, such as fishing vessel licences, time at sea and quotas for fish and seafood • managing funding programmes for fisheries activities • planning and licensing for marine construction, deposits and dredging that may have an environmental, economic or social impact • making marine nature conservation byelaws • dealing with marine pollution emergencies, including oil spills • helping to prevent illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing worldwide • producing marine plans to include all marine activities, including those we don’t directly regulate • enforcing wildlife legislation and issuing wildlife licences Follow the MMO on Twitter (@The_MMO), Facebook (/MarineManagementOrganisation) or our blog (http://www.marinedevelopments.blog.gov.uk) for further updates.
Year Founded
Social Media
Government Administration, Ship inspection services, Transportation and logistics services, Transport & Logistics
HQ Location
Lancaster House Hampshire Court Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH, GB
Marine planningMarine licensingWildlife licensingFisheries monitoring and enforcementEnvironmental protectioMarine pollutioMarine protected areasInshore fisheriesConservatioVessel licensing
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