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About Rita P.
Rita P. has 3 current jobs including Ncd Ambassador at Social Changemakers and Innovators (SOCHAI) in 尼泊尔 Lalitpur District, Board Member at Y-PEER Nepal, Saryn Member at IPPF South Asia Region. Social Changemakers and Innovators (SOCHAI) is a Health and Human Services company in Ghattekulo
Kathmandu, Province No. 3 44600, NP with 19 employees
The Social Changemakers and Innovators (SOCHAI) is a young women led organization formed with an aim to inform and empower women, girls and grass-root communities through advocacy, education, innovation and entrepreneurship related to health and nutrition.
The unique aspect of the SOCHAI - Youth For Nutrition project is our innovative educational tool “Nutribeads bracelet”. Each bead in the Nutribeads bracelet has a specific meaning. The numbers correspond to child’s age, ranging from six, nine, 12 to 24 months. The colors indicate the type of food the child should be given. Through this innovation, we educate communities about proper nutrition practices to prevent malnutrition and contribute in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We are also promoting social business by involving local artisans in making the bracelets and help them find a way out of poverty and malnutrition.