Löning – Human Rights & Responsible Business GmbH is an international management consultancy specialised in human rights. We advise businesses on how to incorporate respect for human rights into their business operations and along their value chains.
Specifically, we help our clients establish effective human rights due diligence processes and management systems in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and applicable regulations, such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
Founded in 2014 by Markus Löning, Germany's former Commissioner for Human Rights, we have an extensive and international network of stakeholder groups and partners, which we leverage to offer practical and innovative solutions to manage the specific human rights risks and impacts of companies operating across industries and geographies.
NachhaltigkeitsstrategieMenschenrechteStakeholderdialogeNetzwerkarbeitDurchführung von StudienIdeenpapiereEntwicklung von KonzeptenBusiness and Human RightsHuman Rights Due DiligenceManagement Consulting