A 15 x award* winning global education and outreach program to inspire future generations to become ambassadors of planet Earth. Our experiential learning program teaches on technology (STEAM), sustainability and our beautiful but fragile planet Earth. Turning future generations into a force for good in these challenging times where new perspective is a crucial first step towards innovation & change for good.
We use the impactful, life changing perspective of astronauts created by the Overview Effect to inspire 100 MLN people across the world.
The program is available in 6 languages with more to follow. SpaceBuzz has an open access philosophy, welcoming any country in the world sharing the same passion for education, immersive technology and our beautiful but fragile planet Earth.
*European & Global.
Our mission is to inspire 100 mln children worldwide, by launching them into space to discover the beauty and fragility of planet Earth. The latest immersive technologies are used to create as much impact as possible. Teachers are supported in the classroom by Mission Control - an empowering digital teaching tool. A visit of the SpaceBuzz rocket vehicle at school is an important part of the education program.
We are not for profit and have an open access philosophy - making the education program available to children across the globe. SpaceBuzz program is nationally adaptable in terms of language-astronauts and curriculum. SpaceBuzz is rolled out globally and is currently introduced into France, Hungary, Italy, USA and the UAE.
To succeed in this mission, we are always welcoming new Friends of SpaceBuzz. We are looking forward to welcoming you on board!