United2Heal is a nonprofit organization which collects, sorts, and ships surplus medical supplies to countries in need. The organization believes that a lack of medical supplies should never restrict someone's access to proper healthcare. By recycling unused medical supplies that would otherwise be thrown away, United2Heal help reduce landfill waste and account for healthcare inequities worldwide.
Based in Richmond, Virginia, United2Heal relies on student volunteer work to fulfill its mission. The organization collects extra supplies from local healthcare facilities, sorting and packaging the supplies at a local storage warehouse. Through partnerships with international relief organizations, United2Heal has successfully delivered supplies to villages and refugee camps in several countries. Since its conception in 2011, United2Heal has shipped medical supplies to Syria, Egypt, Ghana, Ecuador, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal, Haiti and Lebanon.
On top of international projects, United2Heal also implements localized projects to help eliminate healthcare local healthcare inequalities. With four chapters functioning throughout Virginia, United2Heal and its university chapters dedicate efforts towards bettering access to healthcare in local communities.