CBA provides professional concierge services for your Contact Center business solution needs. We are a holistic communication solution integrator and service provider that enables a wide range of platform automations and solutions. We strive to implement cutting-edge Omnichannel, AI technology, and other solutions with innovations that meet a host of Business communication challenges. With a mission to always be helpful and hospitable, CBA provides technologies and business methodologies that will help you reach significant business growth.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Hikarinooka No. 3-4
Yokosuka Research Park Center Building No. 1
JP,Kanagawa Prefecture,Yokosuka City,239-0847
WEBRTCSystem IntegrationApplication Development and MaintenanceProduct Customization and LocalizationCloud ServicesArtificial IntelligenceBuilding SystemsSystem ConsultingDigital Process Automation