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About Richard Jenkins
Richard Jenkins is Azure Solutions Architect at Pond Group Limited in 17 Widmore Road
Bromley, Kent BR1 1RL, GB. Previously worked at Independent Technology Consultant as Independent Technology Consultant. Pond Group Limited is a Computer Networking Products company in 17 Widmore Road
Bromley, Kent BR1 1RL, GB with 4 employees
Richard Jenkins Social
Richard Jenkins Work
Richard Jenkins is the Azure Solutions Architect @Pond Group Limited, with experience in Independent Technology Consultant @Independent Technology Consultant
Established in 1999 and based in Greater London, Pond Group delivers solutions to clients, which are designed to be cost effective and make running their business easier. With a fully manned helpdesk and proactive monitoring systems, the business has friendly, experienced staff helping clients to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.
Our Business Continuity solutions take advantage of the full range of services we offer. This allows us to fully manage your DR and Business Continuity requirements from a technical perspective, including Voice, Data, Remote working and secure offsite or cloud server systems.
The business can supply a range of VoIP telephony solutions that can provide significant cost savings and are ideal for multi-site companies or those with remote workers. Completely customised, the product range includes ISDN alternatives, voicemail (to email), music on hold, digital receptionists, hunt groups, call queues, conference calls and any other features imaginable. The products are available at a much lower cost than traditional telephone systems and do not incur expensive ongoing license costs.