Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE), is a professional choral ensemble directed by critically-acclaimed early music specialist Jonathan Dimmock. AVE has become well known in the San Francisco Bay area for presenting sacred polyphony for today’s spiritual seekers. Music from this wonderful repertoire facilitates soul development while uplifting, inspiring and transforming the listener.
Founded on St. Cecilia's Day 2004, AVE brings to life many of the lost masterworks from the Renaissance and Tudor periods, using informed performance style and highly trained singers. While presenting programs of scholarly interest, AVE strives to create experiences that are emotional, spiritual, and contemplative. The concerts have a strong impact on audiences, where many describe feelings of being transformed and uplifted. AVE's intention is not to limit its audience to early and liturgical music devotees, but to offer this seldom-heard material for an audience of all ages, tastes, and sensibilities.