To democratically represent the community of Falmouth as the first tier of local government in order to articulate the needs and wishes of the community, through a process of community engagement. To work in partnership with the principal authority and strategic agencies to ensure the best possible provision of services and amenities for the community. To provide leadership, cohesion, vision and identity for our community.
In 2016 Falmouth was GB High Street of the Year Best Coastal Community - based on strong leadership, partner-led approach and innovative marketing. The Town Council was runner up in the NALC (National Association of Local Councils) UK Star Council Awards. Also Sunday Times - Best Places to Live recognition.
NALC Larger Councils Committee made Falmouth the subject of its National Best Practice Visit in 2015. The DCLG (Department Communities Local Government) visited in 2014 - as Falmouth was highlighted as its annual Best Practice due to innovative partnership forged between Town Management & Falmouth BID (Business Improvement District). The Academy of Urbanism - Finalist Great Town Award 2013.