ICMM is the world’s only international maritime museum network, bringing together museums of every size from 36 countries across 6 continents, as well as others involved in maritime heritage.
Founded in 1972, ICMM’s main focus of activities is a biennial Congress hosted by different members around the world (most recently Canada, the Baltic, Chile and Hong Kong). In addition, we offer resources on our website; these include policies on maritime archaeology, historic vessels, and maritime curatorship. We also share Member news and items of maritime interest via our monthly e-newsletter and regular posts on our social media platforms.
ICMM is volunteer-run by an Executive Council representing museums from around the world. We also have sub-committees working on various maritime issues, including Maritime Archaeology, Marine Environment and Historic Vessels.
Our most important asset is our Network of over 100 Members worldwide, which provides an unparalleled source of knowledge and contacts for maritime museum professionals. Join us and be connected to others around the world who have a passion for maritime heritage!