IDTechEx provides trusted independent research on emerging technologies and their markets.
Since 1999, we have been helping our clients to understand new technologies, their supply chains, market requirements, opportunities and forecasts.
IDTechEx offers reports, subscriptions and consulting services.
Our industry experts provide an international perspective on technology innovation including 3D Printing, 5G, 6G, RFID, Telecoms, Advanced Materials, Critical Minerals, Electric Vehicles, Energy, Decarbonization, Batteries, Energy Storage, Food, AgTech, Healthcare, Photonics, Printed Electronics, Robotics, Autonomy, Semiconductors, Computing, AI, Sensors, Haptics, Sustainability, and Wearable Technology.
We serve clients globally, working with business leaders, technology scouts, sales & marketing and research & development teams in organizations large and small. They rely on our research to provide them with the information they seek to make informed, timely, strategic decisions on emerging technologies.
Market Research, Research & Development, Research, Engineering & Consulting, Packaging Consulting Services, General Consultants, Consultants, Research & Development Consulting Services, Battery Charging Research & Development
HQ Location
One Boston Place
Suite 2600
Boston, , Massachusetts 02108, US
ResearchConsultingTechnology scoutingMarket appraisal