Desde que Aerocardal nace en 1990 se ha convertido en la empresa de aviación ejecutiva más grande de Chile, y en una de las más importantes del cono sur. Con una flota de 10 aeronaves que incluye aviones jets, monomotor y turbohélices, junto con helicópteros biturbinas, nuestra compañía ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios: vuelos ejecutivos, vuelos charter y turismo, ambulancia aérea, helicópteros para rescates aéreos y el terminal aéreo privado más moderno de Sudamérica.
Since 1990, Aerocardal was dedicated exclusively to the charter market, expanding its diverse business lines to the Air Medical Service and building Chile’s first FBO (private terminal), dedicated to the service of executive aircraft that land in the country.
Our market is oriented to private clients, public entities and companies from diverse industries; mining, electric, oil, in the transport to and from their production centers. Opting for air transportation has allowed these companies access their operations with quickness and economy, which generally are located in areas with rugged ground access.