In the financial world today, stability is quickly vanishing. You need someone dependable who understands your most valuable assets; someone to provide security for you tomorrow and today. Founded in 1993, Caldwell Trust Company is an independent trust company with more than 30 years of investment experience and over one-half billion dollars in assets under management. We’re still right here. Same locations, same ownership, same management – same values as you.
We offer a full range of fiduciary services to individuals including serving as trustee, custodian and investment advisor, financial manager, and personal representative. Additionally Caldwell offers 401(k) and 403(b) qualified retirement plans to companies.
Our traditional trust and investment services, means a person answers all calls. It also means we avoid all activities that would put us in a position of conflict with our clients. We do not sell products and we do not draft legal documents or prepare tax returns, so there is no self-referral.
We accept no commissions or incentives for referrals to other professionals outside our expertise. As an independent trust company, we operate more cost effectively than our competitors. We maintain tight control over quality by having our own in-house operations department rather than piggy-back on less efficient, costly middlemen.
Personal, Traditional, Independent: Caldwell Trust Company has been doing it this way from the beginning and will be doing it this way for generations to come.
We offer personalized trust services in a tradition of integrity and proven performance and our fiduciary services to individuals include serving as trusteecustodian and investment advisorfinancial managerpersonal representative.